Our Team
The faces of Smart Biz HQ
Thank you for entrusting Smart Biz HQ to assist with your business finances and compliance.
Total integrity and loyalty you can trust!
Julie Goleby
Julie Goleby is passionate about developing your skill levels to work more efficiently in your job with less stress.

A Qualified Business Trainer and Registered Teacher, she’ll show you the ropes, streamline work processes, and train your staff or you, for maximum productivity.
As a Registered BAS Agent, she thinks outside the box! Her passion is not about taking away your control of the business or finances, but giving you more! A better understanding of financials and greater knowledge is power! She’ll provide proven and tested resources for you to take back control of your business, finances, and your life!
Or she’ll take the reins and do the nitty gritty for you!
As a life long learner herself, Julie possesses the following qualifications:
- Bachelor of Adult Vocational Education majoring in Adult and Vocational Teaching
- Diploma of Accounting
- Diploma of Business
- Certificate 4 in Training and Assessment
- Qld College of Teachers Registration
She knows her stuff and is always willing to share information and expertise.

As a registered BAS agent, Tom responsibilities are preparation of client’s BAS & IAS returns preparations, processing payroll and super guarantee payments and ensuring clients remain compliant with ATO regulations.
He assists clients with data entry automation by using Hubdoc to increase efficiency and the preparation of quarterly management reports to highlight key performance outcomes.
This assists our clients to concentrate on their businesses and not spend valuable time on repetitive bookkeeping tasks.
Tom has been involved in small businesses in Cairns for many years having worked with various industries such as tourism, retail, wholesale and trades. He is passionate about helping SMEs succeed.
- 2012 Certificate IV in Accounting, TAFE Cairns
- 2012 Diploma in Accounting, TAFE Cairns
- 2014 HR Block Income Tax Preparation Course and 2022 Refresher Course
- Institute of Certified Bookkeepers – Member since 2013
- Registered BAS Agent # 25201495 – since 2015

Currently studying a Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping to further enhance her skills and stay up to date with industry standards.
Toni is passionate about helping small businesses manage their bookkeeping needs, ensuring their business run smoothly while they focus on what they do best and grow their business to prosperity.
Total integrity and loyalty you can trust!